Pachamama's embrace: Forgiveness led to love, surrender to power.
Jan 12, 2024
In the arms of Pachamama, Mother Earth, a profound awakening takes root. This isn't just a blog post; it's a whispered prayer, a testament to the transformative power of self-discovery.
The Path Begins with Forgiveness
Here, we acknowledge the need to forgive. Not just others, but ourselves. We shed the "masks of protection" we donned in the past, recognizing the journey of self-love is paramount. We learn to love unconditionally, a love that extends outwards to protect others from suffering, but also inwards, to finally embrace who we truly are.
Surrender and the Return of Power
Surrender, often a dreaded word, becomes the key that unlocks a hidden treasure trove within. By letting go of control, a deeper power emerges – discernment, wisdom, and an unparalleled beauty that shines from the core of our being.
Loss Breeds Understanding
Through the "loss of who we were not," a profound understanding dawns. We shed the layers that never truly belonged, revealing the magnificent essence beneath. This journey, though challenging, is where true bravery lies.
Shedding the Masks, Claiming Sovereignty
With each mask lifted, we become lighter, freer. We break free from the cages that held our minds hostage, claiming our sovereign right to live authentically. This path isn't always easy, but the reward – self-knowledge and true freedom – is beyond measure.
This is more than just a blog post. It's an invitation to join me on a journey of self-discovery. Here, within Pachamama's Poetree, we celebrate the shedding of facades and the blossoming of true sovereignty.
Are you ready to embark on your own path of transformation? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below. Let us heal, together.
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