Postpartum to Peru: A Mama Warrior's Unexpected Journey
May 26, 2024
Life, as they say, is full of unexpected turns. But sometimes, those turns lead you exactly where you're meant to be.
In 2016, I stood on a stage, MSW diploma in hand, beaming with pride. My little 2.5-year-old, my biggest supporter, even toddled across the stage with me. It was a pinnacle moment, a testament to hard work and dreams realized.
Fast forward six months. Surprise! Twins were on the way. Laughter bubbles up now, but back then, it was a tidal wave of tears. The fear of not loving enough, of somehow diminishing the love I already had for my daughter – it was an ancestral wound echoing through me. "My heart isn't big enough," I'd lament.
Those tears, though raw, birthed a beautiful journey of shadow work during my pregnancy. Within my womb, two little warriors of light, my sun and moon, were weaving their magic. Both Virgos, mirroring my rising sign – there are no coincidences, I believe.
On Kobe Bryant's birthday, 2017, my own two Mambas, my Latino Kings, arrived. The summer my heart truly expanded, the summer these little pieces of my soul took their first breaths.
The Lord, the Universe – whatever you choose to call it – has a way of nudging its warriors back on track. We all fight for the light, some just take a bit longer to remember their strength.
This, my loves, is the story of how a social worker became a medicine woman. It wasn't a straight path, but every twist and turn led me here, ready to embrace my purpose.
Sending love,
A Dutiful Medicine Woman
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